by Tech Team 

July 15, 2021

I had decided on a change of career and starting looking for a course in skin aesthetics and laser treatments that would help set me up on a new career path. It became clear that this wasn't going to be easy as most of the courses offered required me to undertake a course as a beautician. This was of no interest to me. Firstly, I was not interested in waxing, regular facials, mani and pedis and secondly, I am of a mature age and didn't want to waste my time and money by learning skills I would never use. I came upon the courses offered by Amanda at ATSCI and got in touch. Amanda explained that her courses were based on one-on-one training and she would be able to tailor the course to teach me exactly what I needed based on my skill level. This made total sense to me but I was still a little skeptical. Amanda invited me to meet with her at her clinic in Merrylands. It became very obvious quickly that Amanda was not only a fountain of information through years of experience, she was also professional and totally understood my situation based on her past training. Amanda also discussed my course options with me and suggested that the course I initially went to speak to her about was probably not my best option. She suggested the Paramedical Aesthetics course which was the best way to get me where I wanted to go; safely and with a clearer path. Training with Amanda was a great choice for me. Our first day of theory helped me understand what I had previously studied in the manual I was sent. The next time we met, I was definitely thrown in the deep end. The day was chaotic and a little overwhelming but it helped me understand so much more and gave me a clear picture of what a Paramedical Aesthetician does. It also gave me the opportunity to be hands on in a controlled and supervised environment. Amanda watched, coached and encouraged me at all times. For our third training day, Amanda suggested that we hold the training in my Sister's beauty salon where I would be ultimately working. It was such a great opportunity for me as Amanda was able to advise on the setup and equipment I had on hand and how I could make these things work best for me. It was a great day. My Sister who has been a successful business owner and beauty therapist for the last 30years, was very impressed by Amanda, her knowledge and how she coached me. If you are after a conventional classroom type training then courses with Amanda are probably not for you however, if you are after being taught in a real environment, by a professional in a hands-on manner than training with Amanda is a good idea. Amanda has offered her continued support and I know I will be drawing on her immense knowledge in the future. Thanks Amanda for delivering what you promised and for helping me start my new career.

Jo Kheir NSW 040408965962

About the author 

Tech Team

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